Most of the people find it hard to earn revenue from blog or site using advertising programmes such as Google AdSense. This is a clear scenario because I myself also find it quite hard to earn good from advertising programmes.
In this post, I will discuss about how to diversified your income or revenue using different stream of source and several high paying programmes available on the web.
1. Do not put your eggs in single basket--divide it into smal groups:
First, if you really find it hard to earn from one single programme then you should consider Joinning Several Programmes available on the web. Some of the good programmes to join are affiliates programmes such as Text-Link-Ads and other publishers programmes such as Bidvertiser. By joinning in several programmes, you are actually earning revenues from several source and when all the revenues are added up, you are earning faster and more.
Several affialites to be considered are:
i. Text Link Ads
ii. Forex Affialiates
iii. Amazon
iv. e-bay
2. Create more sites or blogs:
When you have a single site/blog which earn you $1.00 per day, you can consider setting up more sites/blogs. For example, you have a site/blog which help you earn $1.00 per day. If you setup 10 sites/blogs, you are actually earning $10.00 per day and that is 10 times more revenue generated per day.
Note: This is a very effective way to generate more revenues and it is used by a lot of successful AdSense Pros.
3. Get More Traffic with Less Effort:
You do not need to be "crazy" to go to tell all the people around you that you have a site/blog and ask them to click the advertisements for you to help you earn more. You can tell the world about your blog very easily by joinning some Google Groups. Just posts some questions and ask for opinions or reviews. Then, you will discover that you suddenly get a lot of traffic to your blog/site. In addition, you no need to pay even a peny to join the Groups.
Best Google Groups To Join:
i. Blogger Help Group
ii. AdSense Help
iii. Blogger Community
More tips to come...
Posted by
MaLanG - Separating Emotions
2:53 PM
This post is the Part 2 from the last post "Double AdSense Income". I will tell you about another two techniques I discovered.
4. Social Bookmarking Sites:
Another powerful techniques to get traffic and make more money from Google AdSense is using Social Bookmarking Sites. Social bookmarking sites are websites with a lot of topics and bookmarks. It works almost like pinging services.
Some Social Bookmarking Sites enable users to Submit Articles and some allow users to interact with each others. Social bookmarking sites are a great source of traffic. Thousands of people are using such service. Some people use it to "Bookmark" their favourite sites, some just ant to share their ideas and opinions with people in the bookmarking sites, some people wish to share and help others and some want to get traffic to their blog from Social Bookmarking Sites.
There are hundreds and thousands of them on the internet. You do not need to find it your own, I have do some research and create a list for you.
- Fark
- Yahoo My Web 2.0
- Backflip
- Bean Rocket
- BlinkList
- Blogmarks
- BuddyMarks
- CiteULike
- Clipfire
- Cluebacca
- Diigo
- Feedmarker
- Frassle
These social bookmarking sites have great source of topics and traffic. Use them properly and get the traffic to your blog.
Note: The list is quite long and if you are going to submit to them 1-by-1, it is quite time-consuming but it really wort your effoet to do so. Don't be lazy. ;-)
5. Creating Reader's Favorite Contents:
I found that when I wrote new posts to my blog, the numbers of visits and time of visits will be different. Sometimes the number of subcription also changes when I create a new post.
I tried to find the favourite topics my readers like and try to write more. This way can help me get more readers and I can help them with the topics they have problem with.
So, try to get to know more about your readers. Create contents that are useful to them. This is mutual benefit because your readers get to solve their problems and you can get their subscriptions.
Posted by
MaLanG - Separating Emotions
2:41 PM