
This is the place where you can put a brief summary of yourself. Or perhaps you have something to be shown off. Your gallery, your own products or affiliates. Anything that come across your mind.This is the place where you can put a brief summary of yourself. Or perhaps you have something to be shown off. Your gallery, your own products or affiliates. Anything that come across your mind.

5 AdSense Tips To Share With You

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A lot of people want to make more money from their blog especially using Google AdSense and I'm also 1 of them. Trying very hard to make the slightest earning and it is quite fun and challenging.

Now, I would like to share with you 5 Ways That I Use To Make Money From AdSense.

#1: Blending the AdSense Ads is the most important part to make money from Google AdSense(Blend AdSense Ads). I stress a lot on blending the AdSense Ads because it is the best and most effective way to help you make money using AdSense. What do I meant by blending the AdSense Ads? Blending the AdSense Ads means to make the Ads look like a part of your site. You need to make optimizations on the colors of the title, text, URL and background color of the AdSense Ads. With proper optimization, you can make the Ads look as if a part of your blog and thus will increase your rate of success in Google AdSense.

#2: Correct placements of the Ads(Blogtimize and Heat Diagram). This is another important factor that will have great effect on your AdSense earnings. Placing the AdSense Ads above the fold is the most effective placements to make the most money from AdSense Ads. What is meant by "above the fold"? "Above the fold" is the placement near the top of your site which refer to the part of the screen where a user does not need to scroll to see the contents of your site. Placing the Ads at this place will have significant effect on your AdSense earning.
Remember: Top-center will usually have the best effect. You can try out different placements to get the best place.

What is the thing/place Your Eyes mainly focus on?

#3: Choosing the most profitable Ads Format(Choosing Ads Format). According to statistic, it is found that the Large Rectangle format is the Ads format that make the most money for AdSense Publishers. So, if possible, you should try to include a Large Rectangle Ads on your site.
Please do not squeeze the Large Rectangle format into your site if it doesn't fit at all. If you do so, it will ruin the look of your site and you make even less money.

#4: AdSense Ads in the Posts Area(Add AdSense in Posts Area). This is a powerful placement to get a lot of clicks and a lot of money. The logic here is that people tend to be attracted to words, pictures and ads wrapped by texts.
For example:
When I read newspaper, I tend to look at the "text" wrap in the middle of the news and read it very carefully.
So, when users are reading the AdSense Ads carefully, they will tend to click on the Ads t find out more about it. There, you get the money coming.

#5: Finally, contents of your site. Create specific contents on your site for better targeting of Ads. Don't beat around the bush and write on a lot of topics. This will make AdSense Ads confuse and thus show irrelevant Ads on your site. So, it is wise to write on a specific topic and use keyword properly. So, choose a topic for your site.