
This is the place where you can put a brief summary of yourself. Or perhaps you have something to be shown off. Your gallery, your own products or affiliates. Anything that come across your mind.This is the place where you can put a brief summary of yourself. Or perhaps you have something to be shown off. Your gallery, your own products or affiliates. Anything that come across your mind.

Blogger is Sharing Your AdSense Revenue

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There are a lot of people using to create their blog. Indeed, isa good site offering Free service for blog.
Recently, I read a post on the internet about is sharing our AdSense revenue.

Some of you maybe using the "Add a page element" in to add AdSense Ads in your blog. This is a bad move because this function is editting your AdSense ID and thus can share the revenue you generate from your blog. You might get lower earnings.
Avoid using the "Add a page element" to add AdSense Ads to your blog. Go to your AdSense Account and generate the code there. Copy and paste the code into "Add a page element" in the "HTML/Javascript". This will avoid revenue sharing.