
This is the place where you can put a brief summary of yourself. Or perhaps you have something to be shown off. Your gallery, your own products or affiliates. Anything that come across your mind.This is the place where you can put a brief summary of yourself. Or perhaps you have something to be shown off. Your gallery, your own products or affiliates. Anything that come across your mind.

Section Targeting : Ignoring certain Keywords

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The code below is used to tell Google AdSense spider to ignore certain keywords on your posts.

If you write something about cars in your posts and name some brands of cars like Toyota, McLaren, Ferrari and so on but you AdSense to ignore "Toyota".

Then, you can use the code below to surround "toyota". Then, AdSense spider will ignore it and the Ads appear will not have the word "Toyota".

** Use the code above in your sites or blogs and make your AdSense Ads more efficient.