
This is the place where you can put a brief summary of yourself. Or perhaps you have something to be shown off. Your gallery, your own products or affiliates. Anything that come across your mind.This is the place where you can put a brief summary of yourself. Or perhaps you have something to be shown off. Your gallery, your own products or affiliates. Anything that come across your mind.

Put Ads on the post page

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If your site is a blog, this is a tip from Biz Stone, former Senior Specialist on the Google Blogger team from his book Who Let the Blogs Out? :

A Hyper-connected Peek at the World of Weblogs: "don’t put them on your blog — put them on your post pages. See, the ads are content sensitive; that means they are relevant to the text of the page they cohabitate…if you set the ads up to display on your blog’s post pages — the individual archive page of each post — then they will learn the content on that page and serve up highly relevant advertising."